Exploring How Artificial Intelligence is Assisting Teachers in Creating Effective Classrooms – Part 2

The World Bank EduTech team is partnering with Digital Promise and the Engage AI Institute to host a series of episodes about AI in Education. This week, we’re continuing our conversation about how artificial intelligence (AI) is assisting teachers in creating effective classrooms.

Digital Promise Senior Researcher in STEM Teaching and Learning Dr. Judi Fusco speaks with Dr. Mmantsetsa Marope, Executive Director of the World Heritage Group, Dr. Kylie Peppler, Professor of Informatics & Education at the University of California, Irvine, Sherry Loftin, Instructional Technology Trainer with the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Initiative, and Sarah Hampton, a middle and high school math and science teacher for 15 years.

In this episode, we explore how AI systems can assist teachers in the classroom, what AI systems mean for teachers, and how an AI system might help us create new methods for assessment and help us assess competencies that are difficult to assess.